Having a say in your education is where the statement "partners in education" comes from. Are you truly a "partner" in your education? Do you get to have a say in what you learn and what's important to your specific career goals?
Don't settle for cookie cutter programs that tell you what you have to take even if it doesn't apply to you. Be a real partner in your education and take only the classes you need and want to match your unique goals. You're not the average Joe, so why settle for an average education?
Explorer's Guide is embarking on a new e-learning service. A site where all the options are laid out before you like a smorgasbord of choices. Pick and choose the courses that fit your needs and even suggest new topics. It's better than all you can eat, it's all you can learn, and you can never get too full on knowledge.
Here's your chance to be our partner in your education. Tell us what classes you need or would like to see and get that course added to our growing list of available online sessions. Don't sit on the sidelines, speak up now and get your ideas and questions answered.
The site will have resources on topics ranging from small engines and outboard motors
to celestial navigation. Tell us what topics you want to see. We're looking forward to your suggestions and to showing you our new site soon. Have a site where you learn the topics you want by getting involved today.
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